Be Emotionally Fit With NIYA

We help you thrive better with our mental fitness programs, self care, and
best personalised, confidential support from experts like nutritionists, yoga experts, therapists, coaches and financial experts

Why NIya?

The best wellbeing partner in India that cares for users throughout every step in their mental fitness journey incorporating sound academic and clinical research.

Mental health is a continuum and like physical fitness, mental fitness is a continuous journey requiring frequent attention.

Mental fitness is not a one-time accomplishment or an end goal. Instead, it’s a journey that we embark on every day, and there is room to  always improve. Just like physical fitness, it’s an ongoing process that requires continuous effort and commitment.

During your mental fitness journey when needed , NIYA offers  preventative to assistive support in a confidential, customized, and convenient manner to build emotional resilience and maintain  mental health.

Private Care with Experts

AI matched 1:1 Chat and Video call based sessions with experts. Our experts are certified counselors, therapists, yoga experts, nutritionists, and coaches.

Group Circles

Online wellbeing Circles facilitated by experts to create a safe environment to connect over common issues and find positive solutions .

Digital Self Care

Interactive bite sized solution focused content to build emotional resilience and help your employees cope with anxiety , stress and other challenges

Mental Gym

Online gym provides tools and inspiration to strengthen your emotional muscles; Mental Pushups
Mental workouts

Why Mental Fitness?

The language we use to discuss mental well-being holds significant weight. At NIYA, we embrace the concept of ‘mental fitness’ instead of simply referring to ‘mental health’.

The term ‘mental health’ can resonate with certain individuals, yet for others, it may seem overwhelming, negative, or even irrelevant. We’ve noticed that it can carry negative connotations and sometimes be burdened with assumptions, which might deter people from seeking assistance when they truly need it. That’s precisely why we advocate for adopting non-judgmental language that steers clear of stereotypes, reducing harm and the associated stigma.

The truth is, just like our physical well-being, we all possess mental health. It exists on a spectrum, ranging from periods of thriving and feeling mentally fit to times of challenge and personal growth.

We strive to inspire and assist individuals in actively cultivating their mental fitness, akin to how they would approach their physical fitness. We believe this approach effectively encourages regular attention to proactively nurturing mental well-being.

Customers testimonials

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