About us


How Niya Started

Our Founding Story

During the Pandemic, Jayashree was experiencing a lot of stress and anxiety about the future of her entrepreneurial venture, she was working more than usual while also managing household responsibilities with no domestic help around and as if this was not enough, she was also grappling with grief of losing her father. During that time she would often reach out to Nidhi and talk about all this, she needed someone to be there for her and listen to her despite being a coach herself. The situation was not any different for Nidhi or many others in their network. It was then that Nidhi & amp; Jayashree started thinking about how it must be impacting those who don’t have any support in their network. and that’s when Nidhi and Jaya came together with an intention, a purpose and NIYA was born.

Our Purpose & Mission

Helping people build emotional resilience and lead
happier, fulfilled lives. Destigmatizing accessing mental health care; giving everyone tools to build emotional resilience proactively and
assisting with clinical support when needed.

Our Vision

To support emotional and mental wellbeing of 1000000 people in workplaces through our platform by March 2027.

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