Boost Employee Well-being with NIYA

At NIYA, We Care About Your Team’s Emotional and Mental Fitness..
Are you ready to transform your organization into a place where employee fitness and wellbeing is a top priority?
NIYA is a virtual mental gym for building emotional & mental fitness to boost overall wellbeing for your employees.
It offers preventative to assistive support in confidential, customized and convenient manner to build emotional resilience and support mental health. 
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Employees say the pandemic has negatively affected their mental health.
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Employees are willing to accept a lower salary or forgo pay rise and/or promotion for better work-life balance, overall well-being, and happiness.
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Leaders don't have adequate support related to mental health policy from their organizations.

Comprehensive , Customized Care for your employees

Why Choose NIYA?

Convenient, confidential, customized wellbeing journey for an individual  based on their state of wellbeing challenges by integrating technology and human experts.

Empowering your people with hyper-personalized care

🌟 **Personalized Support**: Every employee is unique. NIYA offers hyper-personalized solutions tailored to individual needs.

🔒 **Confidentiality Guaranteed**: Your team members can seek help without fear, thanks to our strict confidentiality policies,

📊 **Measurable Impact**: NIYA’s data-driven approach ensures you can see real improvements in productivity and well-being.

🤝**Easy Integration**: Seamlessly integrate NIYA into your existing HR systems and workflows.

What our clients say!

Our partnership with Niya has been transformative for our organisation. The emotional well- being program they offer is robust, well-structured, and has been tailored to meet the specific needs of our workforce. The availability of trained counsellors has proven invaluable in helping our employees tackle issues such as anxiety, stress, and other mental health challenges.
Raghav R
Coounder, Zupain

Analytics for HR

Analytics for HR to gain insights and track  ROI. Anonymised data to track participation and engagement. These analytics empower the HR suite with strategic planning to address organizational gap areas..
Caring Workplaces

Join the NIYA Community Today

Unlock the potential of your team by prioritizing their mental and emotional well-being. 

Transform Employee Well-Being with our holistic and strategic approach backed by science.

NIYA is your partner on the journey to a healthier, happier workplace.


Co Founder