Happy, healthy workplaces are the norm not the exception and well within your reach!

A culture of wellbeing is built when people at an organisation feel valued and cared for!

Allow us to be your wellbeing partners and help you built the culture of happier, healthier and productive workforce

Impact of wellbeing on Productivity

Move the slider to your employee headcount and know the impact.

10 employees
are at risk of suffering from one or more mental health issues like burnout, depression, stress, anxiety, insomnia etc
possibly require intervention either using self care tools, guided activities, or counseling or coaching sessions.
[headcount]*0.80 *15
of productivity loss due to poor mental healh of your employees. This includes presenteeism and absenteeism.

Business Resources

Our Confidential, Convenient and Customized Program

We do assessements that help you gauge your employees’ mental well-being. Within App the employees can take their assessment and find customized plan for them
Customized Action Plan
Based on what the employee wants to work on in response to NIYA bot, the employee is provided with self care tools, audio, video, experts for one-on-one counseling. The experts could be nutritionists, yoga experts, therapists, specialized coaches
Manager Assistance Programs
Participants in our management assistance program gain access to resources they need to become more empathetic leaders in the workplace.
21 Day Mental fitness program
Employees can sign up for 21 day mental fitness program and work out on their mental muscle.
Women Employee specific group programs
We do holistic programs for women like PMS, Menopause , Nutrition and selfworth
Community programs
We create a community open to discuss concerns and get support. Community will also be provided webinars and group sessions