Build your mental fitness

Working on your mental fitness is about giving yourself the best opportunity to have optimal health and wellbeing by making a focused effort to develop and practice the mental skills and resources that help mental wellbeing and resilience.


Walking, running, playing sports or going to gym, we all have our chosen activities to strengthen our muscles and staying physically healthy. We have numerous fitness programs, workouts, exercise equipment designed to help us improve our physical health.
Mental fitness is our ability to perform at our best each day, navigate challenges, and have a state of positive mental wellbeing even during challenging times. In practice, mental fitness involves consistently and intentionally developing mental muscle we can draw upon to respond to setbacks, sustain healthy relationships, navigate change and uncertainty, and make effective decisions.
Learn more about NIYA's "Navratna" model of Fitness below

NIYA’s 21 days Mental Fitness Bootcamp

NIYA’s Mental Fitness Bootcamp is based on our unique proprietary model built by Psychotherapists, Coaches and Researchers. With our team’s research and expertise, we have come up with our model NIYA’s Nine Pillars  Model of Fitness. 


Attention & Awareness
Be self aware of yourself

We will start with self reflection to grow awareness of who you are and we’ll practice paying attention.

Finding our heart’s desire for the way we want to be in the world
We will do excercises to be aware of your purpose and living in line with it.
Discovering and acting on your purpose and living by your values means you can find greater meaning in life, feel more positive, and boost your overall wellbeing.
Adaptability & Flexibility
Reacting to Life Challenges

We will learn to respond well to the challenges that life throws at us. By building mental flexibility, we develop the ability to adapt our mindset.

Building Resilience
Bounce forward from failures & setbacks

In life, we will face setbacks, challenges, and failures. The people who succeed are those who are able to bounce back. We will learn our unique response to challenging situations and setbacks and building effective habits and practices for resilience.

Stress Management
Learn tricks to manage everyday stress

Learn tips and tricks to mange everyday stress, sos to calm you down and how to navigate anxiety caused due to uncertainty.

Growing Connections
Improving Relationships
We will practice mental fitness by building relationship skills such as empathy and compassion.
Working on relationship skills can help strengthen our close relationships, and can help build new ones too.
Understand and share the emotions of others

Empathy enables us to build meaningful relationships by listening to and understanding others, even when it’s difficult. You’ll learn techniques to understand and share the emotions of others, putting yourself in their shoes.

Rest & Recovery
Slow Down and Recharge
In the end, It's important to develop ability to slow down, rest deeply and recover.
Its more than plain sleep, it’s about finding a mindset of letting go and feeling calm.
Eco Anxiety Management
Dealing with anxiety caused by climate

Learn to know how to focus on what you can control and how to adapt and manage the ones you cannot control

Our next Mental Fitness Bootcamp starts on July 15th 2024.

Highly Discounted price of INR 799 if you register before July 10th.

Limited seats.