Mental Fitness

Walking, running, playing sports or going to gym, we all have our chosen activities to strengthen our muscles and staying physically fit. We have numerous workouts, exercise equipment designed to help us improve our physical fitness. 

Research shows that similarly, there are a range of skills that build the foundation for mental wellbeing. And, just as we train different muscles to build physical fitness, we can practise a range of skills to build mental fitness.

What is Mental Fitness?

We talk about physical fitness and physical health openly. We work on our physical fitness even when we are in good physical health.
We want to inspire and educate people to talk openly about what good mental health looks like and how to get there; and how to encourage and support others without stigma and misunderstanding.
Mental fitness is our ability to perform at our best each day, navigate challenges, and have a state of positive mental wellbeing even during challenging times.
In practice, mental fitness involves consistently and intentionally developing mental muscle we can draw upon to respond to setbacks, sustain healthy relationships, navigate change and uncertainty, and make effective decisions. These skills can be proactively developed before mental ill-health arises, and help us navigate life's ups and downs. Everyone can practise mental fitness—it's never too late, or too early, to get started.

NIYA’s Mental Fitness Framework

NIYA’s Mental Fitness Model is based on our unique proprietary model developed by a team of Psychotherapist, emotional wellbeing Coaches and Psychology Researchers. The model is based on nine key pillars of mental fitness and evidently our ability to thrive. The mental fitness model is designed to support practical skill-building for people of all ages. 

Attention & Awareness
Be self aware of yourself

How well do you know yourself? Do you know, why you do the things, you do? 

Research shows that 95 percent of people believe that they're self-aware, but only about 10 to 15 percent really are. 

Awareness of how you think, feel, act and ability to observe your thoughts and manage your feelings without getting overwhelmed is the key skill of wellbeing. 

Finding our heart’s desire for the way we want to be in the world
We will do excercises to be aware of your purpose and living in line with it.
Discovering and acting on your purpose and living by your values means you can find greater meaning in life, feel more positive, and boost your overall wellbeing.
Adaptability & Flexibility
Reacting to Life Challenges

The way we engage with and interpret our world is another of the major impacts on our wellbeing. 

Our outlook, attitude and approach determine our reality and how we experience each day. 

A positive and growth mindset allows us to see life as an opportunity and have adaptability and flexibility in our approach. 


Building Resilience
Bounce forward from failures & setbacks

In life, we will face setbacks, challenges, and failures. The people who succeed are those who are able to bounce back.

Resilience is our ability to deal with setbacks, challenges, failures and pressure from different sources and  being  able to pick ourselves back up.  

We  will build our unique response to challenging situations and setbacks and effective habits and practices for resilience. 

Growing Connections
Improving Relationships

Quality of our relationships with partners, friends and colleagues is one of the key determinants of our well-being. 

Creating meaningful relationships requires effort, time and skills, we will work on relationship skills such as empathy and compassion to strengthen our existing close relationships and building new relationship

Stress Management
Learn tricks to manage everyday stress

Positive stress is good for us, helping drive and motivation, excessive stress is an early sign of depleted Mental Fitness and potential burnout.  

Monitoring and understanding our stress is the first step in building strategies to make it our friend not our enemy. 

Learn tips and tricks to mange everyday stress, sos to calm you down and how to navigate anxiety caused due to uncertainty.

Rest & Recovery
Slow Down and Recharge

Getting enough rest in our 24/7 on  world is seemingly becoming harder than ever. 

It's important to develop ability to rest, more than plain sleep, building a mindset of letting go, and build moments of pauses in your routine to recharge. 

We will build skills to prioritize what we do each day, rest smarter and get better sleep, not simply more of it. 

Creativity & Innovation
Creativity for wellbeing

Studies have found a bidirectional relationship between creativity and well-being. Turning to creativity has been proven in extensive research to relieve both stress and anxiety. Creativity also helps lessen the shame, anger, and depression felt by those who have experienced trauma  

Creativity helps us perceive the world in new and different ways. It helps us create works of beauty, problem solve, and refresh our bodies and our minds. It's fun, and when you are having fun, you are positively impacting your health.

Eco Anxiety Management
Dealing with anxiety caused by climate

Eco-anxiety is defined as the chronic fear of environmental doom as awareness of deteriorating state of the planet due to climate change, pollution, deforestation, and other environmental issues. Eco-anxiety is recognized as a serious and growing concern, especially among younger generations. Too much anxiety can leave us overwhelmed, unable to focus and undermine our resilience and capabilities impacting wellbeing. 

What are the benefits of Mental Fitness?

Managing life's setbacks and challenges

Mindfulness and stress management

Self-awareness and emotional regulation

Healthy relationships and ability to connect

Finding your unique purpose